Thursday, May 26, 2011


My whole life I have been afraid to be who I truly am. Afraid to do what I my heart and soul are pulling me to do. I have been so afraid of what people might think, what people would say. Today is the first time I have ever called myself a Woman. A Woman, not a girl, and the power behind that was amazing. I no longer have such a fear of what people think of me that I will stop doing what I feel is right and what I need. If someone can't handle what I offer, even as a friendship, they do not deserve my time. I cannot be part of who I am, I will never feel whole if that is the path I choose to take. I am a sexual being, I am a lover, I crave to be loved not olny by myself but to truly be in that power with myself. I see myself freely dancing naked in the energy of who I am as a Woman and in that vision I feel utter peace and serenity with who I am. Our culture, our society, is so hell bent on monogamy, keeping things covered, being modest. We are creatures of energy, of God and Goddess, we are creatures who shouldn't be ashamed of our bodies, or our pleasures.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Life's Stuff...

Since my Blog has in fact been neglected in the past year or so I figured I would break the fasting cycle. Life is a roller coaster of ups and downs, at times. Mine in particular seems to be quite a roller coaster lately. But, it doesn't have to be. Personally, I have found that when I hold on too tightly to something, or someone, they slip away, or change. Granted, change is inevitably part of this miraculous life that we live, and maybe it is not them who have changed so intensely but more myself. I often wonder if I am a healer to those with "broken wings", so to speak. Maybe this is my life's purpose, to remind those who feel lost that there is still life and love everywhere. That life is about choices, choices of emotion, location, actions.... Everything is in fact a choice, and every choice has consequences, whether they are perceived as good or bad, is up to the receiver. I have so many dreams and they tend to take over my mind at times, like a storm that has rolled over calm waters and disturbed all that resides within. Not that dreams are a "bad" thing but lately they seem to be distracting me from living in the current moment. I need to slow down and smell the flowers, to calm the waters of my soul, and only then can I revel in true peace.