Thursday, October 20, 2011

F**k'ing Pissed: Not for the Faint of Heart!

There has been an anger welling inside me for quite some time now. An intense, red hot, boiling, anger. Today it has broken free from the cage I have been attempting to contain it in. If I could I would have absolutely no problems killing anyone today. I look at the world and I see disease, sickness, hate, mal-content... the world is a cluster fuck of disgusting. I see people fighting for stupid causes and ignoring those truly in need. Who the fuck cares who has the 1% of the money! Without corporations millions would be out of jobs and you wouldn't be able to buy your god damn shirt for $15 cheaper... Or did you fail to realize that most of the clothes we wear are made in what amounts to a sweat shop in China? Get real, and quit being a damn fool. I have anger at myself for doing stupid shit, like unprotected sex. I am so fucking tired of people taking advantage and me letting them. It stops today! You think I want another fucking kid!!! I don't, so now I am pissed... Hoping that the red flow of happiness will happen soon, right fucking now would be fucking awesome! I have never dwell'ed in my anger for so long, right now I am stewing in it, I want to cuss someone out, scream my lungs out, take a baseball bat to a car.... I normally let myself get angry, then work through it so it will go away. But today, today I am letting it engulf me. I am so pissed that a man can sleep with you, then leave, like I am some in town fuck... Nothing more, I am worth a lot fucking more than that. Or the fact that they would lie to me about who they are, let me fall in love, move around with them, and then turn out to be a big fucking alcoholic liar. I am so fucking tired of fake ass people, fake smiles, laughs, cries.... I am tired of people fucking complaining about every fucking thing! I am on FaceBook way too much, admitted, and every time I see a post that says something along the lines of "could this day get any worse?" or stupid fucking shit like "oh geez lost my brush guess I have to use a comb" I want to stab my fucking eyes out and send them to you and say get the fuck over your stupid little fucking drama and live your god damn life, because I am so fucking tired of hearing about you complaining about everything. I am fucking pissed at myself that I need the "approval" of others to feel ok with myself. I mean what the fuck! I am not a fucking super model, sometimes my skin is not how I want it to be, sometimes my fucking hair is ridiculous, I have a flabby stretched out stomach, a short fat geographic tongue, crooked teeth that stick out, a big fucking ass, and hobbit feet!! Who the fuck cares, I don't know why I give two flying fucks what other people think about me! Because when I am alone by myself I could give a fuck, really.... Another thing, who the fuck made you so all high and mighty, all fucking meditative all the time? It just all seems and feels so fucking fake and unnatural. Get the fuck over yourself. I am pissed at my son, at myself, at my parents... Answer me this, how can you call yourself a dad, and then proceed to not talk to your son in almost 2 fucking years and not keep up with child support payments that ensure he has new clothes, etc.? Stupid fucking bastard!!! I truly fucking hate you! Which is a very strong word, and I mean every bit of it. I feel horns definitely tilting my halo today...

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