Friday, June 26, 2009

Fat vs Skinny, Healthy vs Unhealthy

Okay so I really need to just get this out onto something before I explode! :P Some co-workers and I were in a conversation about weight the other day, and we came to the conclusion that just because you are skinny doesn't mean that you are healthy. I consider myself average, not skinny not fat. My doctor however says that for my age and height that I am about 40lbs overweight. Okay so yes I wear a size 12 jeans (I have a butt, yes it is true) but I am totally healthy. I exercise everyday (Yoga Rocks!), I don't eat junk, and I keep my mind healthy the best I can. So when I read a magazine, or hear my doctor telling me that I am overweight I can't help but think that maybe they don't care about the fact that I am healthy, but want me to be skinny. Some people could work out till they drop, and eat nothing but health food and still be a size 12 and thats okay!! Would you really rather be the unhealthy skinny girl that eats junk food 24-7? I wouldn't want to be. But you know what? I am healthy and happy, and I could really just tell my doc to jump off a bridge :P and don't even get me started on the media aspect of the whole dilemma. The United States is really suffering from an epidemic of unhealthy bodies and minds. We all have our problems, but I think that each and every being on this planet is perfect as who they are and if you are a size 12, or a size 2, or a size 24 YOU ARE PERFECT!! Don't change for anyone but yourself... this doesn't mean that "well he said I am fat and I realized that I was but I am changing for me" if it took another person to make you feel uncomfortable about who you are while you were perfectly fine a moment ago with yourself than screw 'em, if they can't accecpt you for the beautiful perfect person you are than they don't deserve you. On another note if you are happy being unhealthy than more power to 'ya. Okay done venting.... my scattered thoughts on this issue :P

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