Friday, June 26, 2009

Ode To Wrinkles...

As I sit here and listen to the sadness of the Olay commercial talking about how you can change your face so you don't look soo old I can't help but be disgusted. What is so wrong with aging?? It happens, it's part of life! Get over it. They say that stress partly causes aging and wrinkles, so why don't they support ways to reduce stress instead of covering up the results of it? I know someday I will also get wrinkles, and I might not, but I will be damn proud of every single wrinkle and gray hair that I earn. Thats right earn, hey I am a mom, and a single one for that fact. There is a lot of stress in my life, I try not to let it get the best of me but I am human. Bottom line we don't live forever and we can't die looking like a 20 year old, and who would want to anyway. If you are that concerned with you image than you really need to re-examine your priorities. Life is too short to sit and worry about appearances, age, clothes, and everything little. Get out and live! Quit worrying about getting old! Because it is going to happen if you like it or not.

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