Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our Fingerprints of Work

I just had a very profound thought that I feel inclined to share :) I have mentioned before my viewpoints on spirituality, and how I feel that we all have our own very unique spiritual fingerprint. As I was talking with a dear friend of mine today about "work" today, I realized that we all also have our very own work fingerprint. It seems to me that we all have things that we feel called to do, or are passionate about. And I am also finding that even though it may seem that we are doing the "same" job we all do that "same" job differently. This causes me to think that we have our own “work” callings, and places that we feel happy and comfortable. Someone may feel totally and completely comfortable and happy working at a Taco Bell, or in a five story office building filing papers away. She, my friend, mentioned to me after I made a comment of "why am I doing this? Who is it helping? Why would anyone want to do it!" she said that some people find peace in jobs like the one I am currently at. They feel they are to be there, that they are helping others, and doing what they are called to do. It makes perfect sense! There is a quote I found that I posted here at work and everyday I look at it and just feel kind of sad because I don’t feel I am living up to its words; it says: "The true way to render ourselves happy is to love our work and find in it our pleasure." I have found that I, along with countless others, do not find pleasure in what we do. I beg to ask then, what’s the point? We spend most of our lives doing our "work". So if we are unhappy with what we do, and/or feel we should be doing something differently, than are we not enjoying most of our lives? When I am dying and looking back I want to see that I was happy and followed my heart, always doing what I loved and helped others in some/any way that brought true joy and peace. I think that sounds like a fulfilled and happily joyous life indeed!
So this brings up the question of, why am I not practicing what I preach. Oh oh oh... It is actually a quite simple answer. Fear. I have spent so much of my life with people telling me that I have to do things a certain way, stepping out of that scares me to death. The truth we were talking about, however, is that it is only that first step that is scary. And believe me I see that, now I just need to muster up the courage to take that first step wholeheartedly.

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